We had a baby, it's a boy. I take tons of pictures of him because he's ADORABLE, but I have yet to document anything. Fast forward 20 years when Malachi asks what he was like as a baby and I give him a blank stare........ I don't have much time these days to retro create posts, but I will some day. Here's all about Malachi at 3 months! Weight: 15lb 7oz (my largest baby) Routine: We have a pretty standard routine as of right now. Malachi is the last one up in the morning, he is not a fan. Then he likes to eat every 2-2.5 hours during the day. On a good day he takes a longer afternoon nap. He nurses for about 45 minutes at nighttime. Then, he sleeps. Sleep: HE SLEEPS! He wakes up usually around 5am, last night was 6am. Then he goes right back down until I force him awake in the morning. The first month with Malachi was rough at night and now he is a dream! He also likes to sleep in his rock n' play for night time and his...