Something unimaginable happened this past week, I though it would never happen but it did. It was one of my biggest fears of pregnancy.... After gaining 51 POUNDS (go big or go home :) ) during my pregnancy I can now fit into SOME of my pre-pregnancy jeans. And I have to say that I am getting used to pants that don't have an expandable tummy waist. I forgot how low real jeans are. I still have 9 pounds to lose, but I account for some of the pounds with my baby feeding boobs. I have to say that I thought it would be alot easier to lose weight that it has been. For some reason I thought it was special baby weight that was just sucked out with your breast milk. But no, I have actually had to lose weight, REAL weight. My stomach is almost back without much work. But my butt, it had it's own weather system. So I have been cutting out sugar, except on holidays. Last week, Martin Luther King Jr day counted as a holiday. WHAT? Banks were closed, it counts. I starting running ag...