Daniel has been away on a 10 day mission trip. That's right 10 days! of single parenthood for me. Having him gone has made me really appreciate how much he helps with Nathan. It has been really tiring to have to do all of the feedings, and all of the diapers. But what I didn't realize is the freedom that having Daniel around brings. Our gym won't take babies in the childcare until they are 6 months old, so I either get up before Nathan or wait until his first nap and leave he and Daniel at home. Daniel also watches Nathan every Monday, it's his day off and it always seems to be the day that Nathan decides to sleep all day. Hmmm...coincidence? And just to run out to the store at night, oh how I miss being able to leave sleeping Nathan and go to the store! Anyway, I can't wait until Daniel gets home. I dressed Nathan in his Florida Gator garb the other day in honor of his father's alma mater.
Yes we have Jerseys, cause we make a good team.