We have a break in teething, so my great sleeper is back. I am also really glad that when Nathan turned nine months he stopped crying at naps. I have always done the same routine with him at nap time: diaper, stories, sing a song, then place him in his crib. He usually needed to cry at least for a minute or two before falling asleep. There were times that I thought maybe we programmed him to need to cry before falling asleep. But the last couple weeks, I don't hear a peep. He doesn't go right to sleep, he needs to position himself on top of his fuzzy blanket first. And nighttime , oh nighttime . Nathan rarely gets up at night any more. He got up once during the night for along time, but when he turned nine months it stopped. Now he sleeps 12-13 hours at a time, he wakes up really happy and so do I. :) Thank you God for a great sleeper. I am hoping that this continues, but I have a feeling that when he starts teething again things will change.
Yes we have Jerseys, cause we make a good team.