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Showing posts from September, 2010


I never realized what a joy it would be to watch my husband become a Dad. Daniel is not shy about telling you that he was not a fan of the newborn stage. Sometimes referred to as the "blob" stage in our house. He prefers a baby that interacts and can be thrown around. The other night Daniel was reading bedtime stories and making Nathan laugh with animal noises. It was a moment that filled my heart. My two boys laughing together.


After much internal debate, and reading I decided this was the month to start to wean Nathan. He is eating a ton of solid food, and I am not producing a whole lot of milk. And I am really tired of nursing. I am glad that I pushed through month 10 of his life and kept nursing even though I wanted to quite a million times. But now we are into month 11 and I would like to be down to one or two nursings a day by the time he is a year. The only problem is that this kid LOVE to nurse. What's weird is I think that he began to sense that I was going to cut him off so he started nursing nicely again. No wiggling around like a monkey , no biting. He's actually been a good nurser for a couple of weeks now. He's trying to real me back in. :) I tried to transition him to the sippy cup. He keeps choking because the flow is too fast. My babysitter told me this was normal with babies that are breastfed. So I am trying to transition him to a bottle first, then we will work on sippy cup...

Goodbye Car

We sold our little white Saturn this week. And Daniel kissed the last shred of his bachelor life goodbye with it. He is embraising his inner family man. Mainly because we got a pretty sweet new "family" vehicle. Goodbye little Saturn I have many fond memories of you. - This is the car that Daniel picked me up for our first date in. - This is the car that we sat in my driveway in and talked until the wee hours of the night while we were dating. - This is the car that we said a hundred awkward goodnights in as we were falling in love, but didn't kiss until we got engaged (yep, we are those people.) - This is the car that Daniel picked me up in after a week full of surprises. That night he asked me to marry him. - This is the car that Daniel stored his roller blades in the truck for nearly two years. Never using them, they were just there. - This is the car that we loaded our first and second Christmas tree into. - This is the car that is too low to the ground for a pregnant...


Nathans favorite games right now. 1. Pillow wrestling, still a big hit. 2. Fitting himself into tight places. 3. Anything that involves standing. Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Family Day, take 2

So we continued our tradition of doing "family day" this week. And after 2 weeks of having family day, we now realize that family day IS EXHAUSTING! We seem to try to cram in a day full everything we usually don't have time for, and tons of family togetherness. And we end up tired at the end of the day. This week we went car shopping. First time parent alert! Don't take your child car shopping with you, there is waiting involved and he can't go on a test drive. Then we went clothes shopping in Tuscola. Nathan played happily as we shopped and chewed on teething bisquits which he smeared all over his face. I had hopes of eating at the amish buffet place, but we didn't make it there early enough. Daniel impersonating Nathan. Nathan impersonating Daniel.

Labor Day

Well hats off to who ever organized the Urbana Labor Day FREE fun today. We had a great time. The day began with a parade, that included lots of candy. And I got a popsicle. Nathan accidently ate a tootsie roll with the wrapper on, so much for no sugar until he's two years old. People kept putting candy on the tray of his stroller and he grabbed it while I wasn't looking. I didn't see anything unti he had a mangled tootsie roll nub in his hand. But he didn't choke and I guess we'll count the wrapper as fiber. Then we walked to the park and had free hot dogs, chips, and drinks. They also had inflatables for the kids. The line was long so we only went on one of them. Nathan and Daniel partook in the slide. Nathan slept the half hour walk home. All in all it was a tiring, but entertaining day.


Nathan ate spaghetti sauce for the first time tonight. He loved it. (obligatory pictures to follow) Just yellin cause it's fun. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Nathan learned to turn the pages of a book by himself. Here he is studying. Also. I forgot how cute babies are in footed pajamas. I want Nathan to be able to wear them forever. Notice the snot nose? He's teething again. And I'm just trying to hold it together and not go crazy. I know my happy boy will be back some day. Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Goulet Family Day

I have a confession. We don't get alot of time to spend as a family of three. Daniel has had a flexible work schedule, so after Nathan was born he began taking his Monday off as his day to be with Nathan. I would go to work on Mondays and leave my boys for the day. We have been doing this for several months. I have been taking my days off on Wednesday. Its been really great hanging out with other babies and moms on Wednesdays and visiting parks and the pool. Daniel has had to miss out on all the park and water fun. So, this week we have changed our schedules so that we both have the same day off. From now on Fridays are our "family day." This means that Nathan goes to the babysitter one more afternoon a week. But after many months of not being on the same schedule we have decided the extra time is worth it. And since Nathan is loving his babysitter, it really helped make the decision easy. So this week, was our first Goulet Family Day. We had breakfast togeth...

Adventure boy

Have I mentioned Nathan is fearless and I sometimes call him "captain adventure."? - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

He sleeps

I wish I could get a picture. Nathan now sleeps facedown, legs curled under him, butt up in the air. And he has to be ON TOP of his blanket. Whenever I put him down for a nap I can hear him scurrying into position when I leave the room. This leads to messy hair and lots on red marks on his face after nap. Too cute.