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Showing posts from February, 2011

Nathan Variety Hour

Nathan has a new favorite spot in our house, the landing of our staircase. He likes to sit on the step and eat his snack like a big boy. He also likes to sing and dance on the landing as if it were a stage. I think he likes the echo of hearing himself sing. I had to hide the camera so that he wouldn't see me taping him. But here is the the "Nathan Variety Hour" as he performs his favorite song, The wheels on the bus.

The stowaway

The beginning of January Daniel and I packed up Nathan, and our best friend Joanna and headed to Florida for two weeks. We stayed with Daniel's mom in Daytona Beach for a few days. Then, my parents met us so we could all go on a cruise together; 5 glorious days of fun and food. We had a great time. Lots of sun, sand, and being waited on. We loved it. And now, it turns out, we're going to have a permanent souvenir from our trip. We brought back a my womb. That's right, baby Goulet #2 is on the way. I'm due October 3. Exactly three weeks before Nathans 2nd birthday. All I can say is if baby #2 looks or acts like this guy, my heart's going to explode. Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Here is my confession. Nathan doesn't NEED a bath every other day. But he really likes taking them. With a few simple toys he'll stay in the tub for 30-45 minutes amusing himself. And I get to sit next to him and read. It's a highlight to my mornings. So, Nathan will just be extra clean. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Nathan found a new use for our reusable shopping bags. He found a bag in the cupboard and put it around his neck like an apron. He was pretty proud of himself. Don't worry I made him take it off, don't want to strangle the baby :) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Coloring is becoming one of Nathans favorite things to do. If the crayons are out in his site he wants them. But really who doesn't like to color in the morning with boogers still on your face and bed head hair? - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Valentines for grandparents

My little artist made homemade valentines last week to send to the grandparents. I wanted him to try to use stickers so we printed out valentines shapes on labels and stuck them on his picture. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Game night

The young adults at our church had a game night. We had a blast. We get all the young adult small groups together once per month. Every month I wonder if we should keep doing this. Then every month when I see everyone having a blast, forming friendships and new people joining in on the fun I realize it's totally worth it. Because this month was a fun night, I brought Nathan with me. He decided to spend most of the night by himself. He first practiced his chair climbing skills. Then he found this cranium game with a BIG LIGHT UP BUTTON. He spent the rest of the night playing by himself. Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Nathan got a valentines package from grandma. I guess he didn't realize that the chocolate was for us. I'm not sure how much longer he's going to let us keep him sugar free. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tables and chairs

Nathan just learned how to climb onto the dining room chairs. Which means he can climb on the dining room table. Which means, this is no longer a good place to store things out of his reach. And now he wants to sit at the table all the time. So we have abandoned the tray for his booster and we are giving this a try. He looks so grown up! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Nathan's interpretive dance

Nathan slows things down to do an interpretive dance.