Nathan began speaking in phrases this past month. At first it was just 2 words, "Hi Dada", "Hi Mama" or "that's Dada." But lately he has gotten more creative. This past Sunday he started saying "I don't know." And he'll frequently say "I don't know Mama." This is a welcome alternative to his standard, "No" to every question I ask him. Thus weekend he changed things up and added "I need" to the list. "I need baba (which is a sippy cup)." He sounds kind of desperate when he says this because we emphasizes NEED. We went garage saling and he found a bike he liked. He immediately launched into "I NEED bike." I bought him the $2 wonder of a bike. All the way home I heard "I NEED bike." over and over.
Yes we have Jerseys, cause we make a good team.