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Showing posts from August, 2012

Elijah and his walker


Elijah is a master at cleaning out any drawers or shelves. He also does a great job on my Tupperware cabinet. I'm so lucky. :)

Fun at the park

We took the boys to the park the other day. Elijah loves the swing and prefers to spent most of his time there. Nathan hates the swing but loves the slide.

Urbana sweet corn festival

We braved the heat this afternoon to go to the Urbana sweet corn festival. I mainly wanted to take Nathan to see the Illini drum line. Eventhough they showed up late, Nathan still loved watching the drums and cymbals. When we got to the festival we discovered they had a petting zoo! And much to my surprise Nathan liked the animals and he even fed them!


Elijah is a master at cleaning out any drawers or shelves. He also does a great job on my Tupperware cabinet. I'm so lucky. :)

Little mover

I got spend some alone time with Elijah this morning while big brother slept in. I quickly realized a reason for my tiredness. This baby is on the move! And when he doesn't have his little playmate around, he likes to play chase.

Another post about potty training

Attention Internet! My son now uses a toilet like a civilized human being. I know you were all worried about his outdoor urination. Thanks to a rainy day last week, Nathan caved and used the toilet. He then realized the joy that is getting to flush the toilet. And now we are on a role.

How we kissed diapers good bye

I hesitantly say that Nathan is potty trained....well more like nondiaper trained. How did we do it? I've tried to potty train Nathan a handful of times, but I never went "all in" with it.  I stuck him on the potty at different times of the day.  But I know my kid.  And I know that he does best when we do things cold turkey.  Like when I weaned him, and took his pacifier away, and moved him to a toddler bed.  Nathan does best when we just dive in and grit our teeth through the transition. Firstly, I waited.  Many moms had shared with me that there is a "golden age" for kids and potty training, two years and nine months.  And this was that age. Next, I found a toy that I knew Nathan would love. I found a great big firetruck that holds duplos.  I planned out a weekend when I knew we didn't have anything and purposely did not schedule anything.  In the morning I took off Nathans diaper and pants.  I told him that I had a brand new ...

Elijah's Milestones

I've bee majorly slacking on the blog front.  But I do want to remember to document a big milestone for little Elijah.  He decided to learn to pull up on to furniture.  And last Wednesday, he took 2 whole steps on his own.  He has yet to repeat this feat.  But now he is on a walking mission.  All that he wants to do is have his hands held so he can walk around.  A few days later he also learned to pull up in his crib.