Today I interrupt the regularly scheduled gushing about every move my children make, with an announcement. I started a new blog! I have been on a journey of health and nutrition for years now. But his past June I decided to take things to the next level and become a personal trainer. I am almost finished with my training and I am starting a franchise of a women's bootcamp called "Chix in Training" in January. This company is awesome, they are all about changing lives, inspiring women, AND focusing on Jesus. You can learn more about them here. I fell in love with blogging her, but I knew I would need a venue to share more about fitness so I started over. It will hopefully be an easy tool to share with clients how I eat, and what I am learning about fitness. Daniel came up with the blog name. It's supposed to be a play on the word "fitness" and the fact that I only train women. He's so creative. :) So head on over and ...
Yes we have Jerseys, cause we make a good team.