Here's whats up with Nathan lately Nathan Loves: 1. Watching youtube toy reviews. These are like watching paint dry to me, but he just loves them. 2. Playing Super Mario Brothers. Lately he has really started to like playing the wii and specifically Super Mario Brothers. 3. Stories without pictures. He have read several chapter books together, our favorites were the "Zappato Power" books. He also likes stories that we make up and tell him. 4. Switch and Go Dinos. He has slowly been collecting these car and dino combination toys and he loves them. Nathan Hates: 1. School. Yep, I said it. It has nothing to do with the school he attends 2 days a week. He just hates being forced to listen and to learn. Daniel picks him up from pre-kindergarten and he tells Daniel, "That was my last day of school ever." 2. Vegetables. He hates vegetables and is beginning to catch onto my "grind ve...
Yes we have Jerseys, cause we make a good team.