In our house, I have a lovely little space in the basement that I have claimed as my office. It is less than fancy, and it's made of left over furniture from various places I have lived. The walls are crumbling and the ceiling is about three inches too low, but this is my space and that's what matters. This is the quiet place that I go to do important things, like obsessively read blogs.
Up until 2 weeks ago I had been sitting on an all plastic $10 Ikea desk chair in front of my clearance department Ikea desk to use my Macintosh computer. I say this UNTIL 2 weeks ago, when a friend of mine offered my a free desk chair. It's not much, it's probably the $20 Ikea model, but its an upgrade from what I had. So I gladly took the chair from her.
This weekend Daniel and I have been preparing a sermon all week to give on Sunday night. We have been going through our usual style: I research like crazy for a few days, then we banter back and forth about what to write. This is followed by about 4 attempts at starting the sermon, followed by us actually writing. Saturday was the "actually writing" day. This meant that I spent most of the day in my office/basement on my new chair typing away. I am not sure if it was the chair, or the excessive sitting, but my sciatic nerve did not like this. Every time that I got up I had the now familiar stabbing pain in my butt cheek. This progressed all day until the pain heightened to a numbness all the way down my leg.
By late evening I was hobbling around the house trying to avoid the stabbing pain and half dragging my numb leg behind me. Then, because I have brilliant planning skills, I realized that we needed to make a run out to the store for a few things. So I hobbled and dragged myself through Meijer. Half-way through the shopping trip, I think that the level of my patheticness finally got to Daniel and he just started laughing as I hobbled and dragged.
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