Elijah Spence Goulet is here.
The birth was very very different than the first time. But I will say it still hurt like crazy. :)

I felt kind of nauseous and bad all day yesterday. I thought something was up. I went for a walk in the afternoon to try to encourage labor and started having Braxton hicks contractions. They didn't hurt at all so I knew they weren't the real thing. My mom made us dinner and I had her put Nathan to bed because I was just too tired to do anything.
Around 9:00 I started having contractions exactly 5 minutes apart. They were uncomfortable and not painful so I just used my labor iPhone app and tracks them but didn't say anything to Daniel or my mom. I wasn't sure I was in labor and I didn't want to get us all ready for nothing.
This is the part were I add in that I had many many sleepless nights with Nathan in false labor. So I wasn't wanting to go to the hospital until I was sure this was real.
I grabbed Daniel at 10:00 and has him go on a long walk with me. We started walking and we were laughing. Daniel was making fun of me that I was joking around and talking through contractions because they didn't feel very strong. As we walked the contractions got closer together, 2-3 minutes apart, and they started to get stronger. We decided to think about going to the hospital as the contractions got stronger. I didn't want to labor long in the hospital and I wanted to keep walking around. Daniel was more causiois. He wanted to avoid the contraction every minute, me yelling at him scene I had with Nathan.
Around 10:30 my contractions got stronger and slowed down to 4 minutes apart. I was still not ready to go in. My mom suggested we wait 15 more minutes. That's when I realized that we had no infant seat in our minivan (we got a van, more on that later.)
At 11:00 we headed to the hospital. My contractions were strong but barable and 4 minutes apart. When we got to the hospital he nurse hooked me up to the monitor, I knew this going in that it was a condition of my VBAC. Let's say the nurse aggressively checked my cervix and said I was 5-6 centimeters. I still felt great!
Then, all chaos broke loose. My contractions were still spread out, but they were strong. They were "yell and scream and tell everyone I should have had a C section and epidural" strong. Then I felt like I needed to puke. My mom knew at this point that I must be in transition, or the worst part of labor. The midwife came in and checked me, and I needed to push. The midwife said she doesn't care if I'm fully dilated to just start pushing. With the next contraction I screamed and squated. Then an explosion happened in my body, my water broke and flew out EVERYWHERE. Our friend Cynthia was there and exclaimed, "well that's a story." I think I soaked her shoes in fluid. :/
I got on the bed and pushed one time squatting and realized it wasn't going to work. I flipped over and started pushing face up. Jesus was so good that I had 2-4 minutes between contractions. I pushed and then rested. I realized I HATE pushing.
I pushed about 4 times before I was convinced I was actually doing anything. I also never experienced the feeling of really pushing with Nathan. I pushed for a long time with him, but didn't get the feeling of him moving down my pelvis. This truly felt like "pooping out a pumpkin" as my mom told me. :) I appreciated the breaks between contractions that continued. I pushed for about 30-40 minutes. Daniel helped pull the baby out and cut the cord.
There you go. Alittle under 4 hours and we were done.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
The birth was very very different than the first time. But I will say it still hurt like crazy. :)

I felt kind of nauseous and bad all day yesterday. I thought something was up. I went for a walk in the afternoon to try to encourage labor and started having Braxton hicks contractions. They didn't hurt at all so I knew they weren't the real thing. My mom made us dinner and I had her put Nathan to bed because I was just too tired to do anything.
Around 9:00 I started having contractions exactly 5 minutes apart. They were uncomfortable and not painful so I just used my labor iPhone app and tracks them but didn't say anything to Daniel or my mom. I wasn't sure I was in labor and I didn't want to get us all ready for nothing.
This is the part were I add in that I had many many sleepless nights with Nathan in false labor. So I wasn't wanting to go to the hospital until I was sure this was real.
I grabbed Daniel at 10:00 and has him go on a long walk with me. We started walking and we were laughing. Daniel was making fun of me that I was joking around and talking through contractions because they didn't feel very strong. As we walked the contractions got closer together, 2-3 minutes apart, and they started to get stronger. We decided to think about going to the hospital as the contractions got stronger. I didn't want to labor long in the hospital and I wanted to keep walking around. Daniel was more causiois. He wanted to avoid the contraction every minute, me yelling at him scene I had with Nathan.
Around 10:30 my contractions got stronger and slowed down to 4 minutes apart. I was still not ready to go in. My mom suggested we wait 15 more minutes. That's when I realized that we had no infant seat in our minivan (we got a van, more on that later.)
At 11:00 we headed to the hospital. My contractions were strong but barable and 4 minutes apart. When we got to the hospital he nurse hooked me up to the monitor, I knew this going in that it was a condition of my VBAC. Let's say the nurse aggressively checked my cervix and said I was 5-6 centimeters. I still felt great!
Then, all chaos broke loose. My contractions were still spread out, but they were strong. They were "yell and scream and tell everyone I should have had a C section and epidural" strong. Then I felt like I needed to puke. My mom knew at this point that I must be in transition, or the worst part of labor. The midwife came in and checked me, and I needed to push. The midwife said she doesn't care if I'm fully dilated to just start pushing. With the next contraction I screamed and squated. Then an explosion happened in my body, my water broke and flew out EVERYWHERE. Our friend Cynthia was there and exclaimed, "well that's a story." I think I soaked her shoes in fluid. :/
I got on the bed and pushed one time squatting and realized it wasn't going to work. I flipped over and started pushing face up. Jesus was so good that I had 2-4 minutes between contractions. I pushed and then rested. I realized I HATE pushing.
I pushed about 4 times before I was convinced I was actually doing anything. I also never experienced the feeling of really pushing with Nathan. I pushed for a long time with him, but didn't get the feeling of him moving down my pelvis. This truly felt like "pooping out a pumpkin" as my mom told me. :) I appreciated the breaks between contractions that continued. I pushed for about 30-40 minutes. Daniel helped pull the baby out and cut the cord.
There you go. Alittle under 4 hours and we were done.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wow! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your story! Ha ha. I love the yell and scream and tell everyone I should have had a c-section part. Such a true feeling! So funny about the water. Awesome story.
ReplyDeleteWoot! I yelled and screamed too, just ask Tia. Congratulations, mama! You were awesome! Welcome baby Elijah :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Goulet family! Great story, and that is exactly what pushing a baby out feels like! I had 2 Vaginal deliveries then a C-section, then my last was a VBac... have to say 1 the VBac was harder than the first 2 Vag deliveries and I'd choose C-Section again too! LOL