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The new monitor

Little Elijah sleeping in his playpen.

I have been wanting a video monitor ever since we transitioned Nathan to his big boy bed.  The idea of him having full freedom has me always wondering what he is doing in there.  But I don't dare go look in Nathan's room unless he is fully asleep because that causes a giant "mommy hold me" meltdown.  Then, we had Elijah who tricks me into thinking he is awake numerous times a night but at a quick glance I see he is sleeping soundly.  So I knew that we needed to be able to see the little children.
I didn't want to spend a ton of money on a baby monitor.  And I started thinking that since Daniel and I both have iPhones, why don't we use them as our monitor.  It would be one less thing to charge and haul around.  We also have an aluminum sided house, which means our traditional audio monitors do not work outside at all.  So when I go outside with Nathan I have to keep running back by the door to check on the baby.  And while we are at it, Daniel thought it would be cool if he could view the monitor from anywhere so he could stalk our children while he is at work.

I think we found our solution, enter this blog post from a random blog that popped up one of my thousand google searches:

So far, I think that this fits what we wanted. Its a security camera, really high resolution with awesome night vision.  You can pan and tilt and look around the room.  It's a 2 way monitor so I can hear the kids and I can talk to them if I want to.  I can take pictures of them sleeping, and I can even record video (cause I need video of my children sleeping).  Oh, and I can do all of that FROM MY IPHONE, or my computer.  It works on 3G or wifi. To watch on your computer or iphone its a secure connection so you have to have a userid and password to access.

We figure when we have a babysitter we can leave it up on one of our laptops, or they can use one of our many audio monitors that we use now.

I biggest draw back I can think of right now is that you can't really travel with our system.  But, we have a million audio monitors that we could take with for that.

Here's a screen shot of my iPhone app. Because of iPhone's multitasking I still get notifications when I have this open.


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