Warning....this post is about poop. Going #2. At three years and two months I think I can say that Nathan is totally potty trained. He understood peeing in the potty months ago. But only this past month has he really understood how to poop on the potty. The past two weeks Nathan has taken a new interest in what his poop looks like. It began one day when he pooped on the potty during naptime. He yelled for me to come help him. When I got to the bathroom Nathan described his poop to me, "It's a daddy poop and a baby poop." He continued making up a story all about his poop. The daddy poop couldn't wear pants because he didn't have legs. Since this initial story, Nathan has taken great pleasure in naming his poop. He finishes pooping, then studies the turds. He then declares what kind of poop and why. "That's fairy poop, because it flied right out." "It's monster poop, cause it scared me." "It's snake poop."...