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This shows my IQ...

So, it all began with a conversation with a lovely children's psychology major. She told me how babies can develop preferences for certain things in the womb. For instance, some mothers drank carrot juice (gross!) everyday throughout pregnancy. And surprise, when their children starting eating solid food they preferred carrots. Then I learned that mothers that read certain books to their babies in the womb had babies that preferred the books that they were read in utero.
Daniel and I each read the one year bible everyday. So, I began to read the psalm of the day allowed to our little one. Who knows, I thought.
Now as we are approaching week 17 and mothering mode is kicking into high gear I decided to try something different. So I went out and got the one year bible for children to read aloud to baby. Much to my surprise, I actually am learning and remembering a lot from this version made for 5 year olds. Who knew.... I guess this shows my IQ :)
Here's to 23 more weeks of happy reading.


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