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One month old!

Happy One Month Birthday Nathan!

Here is all about Nathan this month....

We went to the Baby Doctor today. Nathan weighs 9lb. 5oz and is 22in long.

Things Nathan Loves
1. Anything that moves. Nathan loves anything that moves. He loves his swing at home and it puts him right to sleep, walks in the stroller have a similar effect as do car rides. He was in his swing so much during the day that I had to google if this was ok. Internet consensus said yes. Nathan is just starting to like the Baby Bjorn carrier, but I don't like when he falls asleep in it cause he wakes up when I take him out.
2. Baths. Nathan loves taking baths. He doesn't even care if soap and water get on his face, he is especially cuddly afterwards.
3. Getting his diaper changed. Nathan will sit in a dirty diaper forever, he doesn't seem to care. But changing his diaper, that I know he likes. He could be screaming, but when you lay him on the diaper table he stops.
4. Music. This is my go to when Nathan gets fussy. If he cries in the car, I just put on music and turn it up and he usually stops. In general, Nathan likes to listen to music. This very much pleases his musical parents.

Things Nathan does not like
1. Burping. I am not sure if he doesn't like it or he just doesn't do it. This has led to some pretty bad gas problems. Nathan pretty much passes gas all of the time as a result of this, and they are not little cute baby farts. Nathan farts like a truck driver and can be heard across our bedroom.
2. Cayenne Pepper and spicy foods. I am slowly learning what I can and cannot eat to prevent fussiness. For awhile we thought it was too much rice, then chocolate. Now we also think that spicy foods are a trigger for Nathan's fussiness.

Things I can't live without.
There are several things that have surprised me that we use so much.
1. Pacifiers. We use these as Nathan's cue that it is time to sleep. I don't think that we will ever have too many of these. We use Nuks, and they have to be Nuks for him to keep them in his mouth. Nathan has used these since day one, that's when we learned that he has what the nurse called a "high need to suck." If we didn't use pacifiers Nathan would nurse all day.
2. Cloth baby wipes (and we love our cloth diapers!). This one really surprised me, but we use cloth diapers and I really like using cloth wipes with them. This way I throw the wipe and the diaper into the diaper pail then toss everything into the washer.
3. My iPhone. I love my iPhone more than ever since Nathan arrived. I can sit and read email and read blogs in the middle of the night while he nurses. I can write blogs and attach pictures from my iPhone. Which leads me to the next thing....
4. My "mommy app" on my iPhone. I have an app that tracks diaper changes and sleeping info. It also has a timer that I was using religiously to make sure that Nathan was eating long enough. It then tells you how long since the last feeding.
5. People that brought us dinner. Thank you to everyone that brought us dinner this month. There were many times when someone would bring food over and I was still in my pajamas and exhausted. There were also a few nights when I tried to attempt cooking on my own and ended up with a mess of a kitchen from having to do everything in phases between feedings. This only made me appreciate the food provided more.

Nathan sleeps really well between feedings (on the nights he doesn't have gas, which has only happened twice so far). He kind of set his own schedule. He eats the final time between 11-Midnight. After that, Nathan wakes up at 3am, 6am, 8am (this one is sometimes optional), and then finally decides to stay awake at 10am. Nathan wakes up, nurses and is asleep before I can burp him. I am hoping that this trend will continue. We are working on a daytime schedule this week, we will see how that goes.


  1. For burping and gas- I wish I would have known this, but my pharmacist aunt didn't tell me until Ethan was already 5 months old! But, you can give babies just a little bit of bean-o. It really helps. I was really hoping to make it in to the hospital to see you guys when we were back, but it didn't work out. :( But I like seeing the pictures!


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