Since it's new years resolution time I thought I would write out Nathan's for him.
Nathan Goulet's 2011 resolutions:
1. Learn to either go back to sleep after my pacifier falls out, or figure out how to get that pacifier off the floor and into my mouth.
2. Learn patience as my mommy makes my eggs. Every. Single. Morning.
3. Figure out how this thing works.
4. Stop "hitting the bottle" 4 times a day.
5. Write more songs beyond my favorites, "Da da a da da." and "Bitta bitta" (which my mom thinks is itsy bitsy spider)
6. More playing in the snow!!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Nathan Goulet's 2011 resolutions:
1. Learn to either go back to sleep after my pacifier falls out, or figure out how to get that pacifier off the floor and into my mouth.
2. Learn patience as my mommy makes my eggs. Every. Single. Morning.
3. Figure out how this thing works.
4. Stop "hitting the bottle" 4 times a day.
5. Write more songs beyond my favorites, "Da da a da da." and "Bitta bitta" (which my mom thinks is itsy bitsy spider)
6. More playing in the snow!!!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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